As you focus on the many day-to-day aspects of running a business, it can be easy to lose track of planning for your future. But, every business owner needs a retirement plan to help ensure a secure financial future for themselves and their children once their working life ends. Many put every cent back into the business and others plan to pay for retirement by selling their business. Many also overestimate the value of their businesses and the ease in selling them. However, these approaches can leave business leaders without the means to retire as planned because the value of a business may change over time.
How to plan for your own retirement
The best time to start planning for retirement is now. The earlier you begin saving, the more your money can grow over time. With some types of accounts, this growth is the result of compound returns. Compound interest, which Albert Einstein called the eighth wonder of the world, is the interest you earn on both your original investment and on the interest you’ve accumulated. In a nutshell, it means earning interest on your interest. Compound returns is one reason it’s so important to start saving as early as possible.
Now that you know why to save, here are simple steps to follow as you build your retirement plan.